Shishir (Winter)
December (Very Cold), January (Freezing Cold) and February (Very Cold) are the coldest months of the year at AyurVAID Kalmatia. The days are very cool and the nights are freezing, but ideal for those who enjoy snowfall and undergo Ayurveda interventions for restoration of body stability and equilibrium, as the season is best suited.
In these Shishir months, the strength of the body will be good, and potency in the environment, the medicines, the natural immunity and resistance of the body is at its optimun. Agni-chatagni is potent. The digestive power of a human being is enhanced due to the external cold and how it restrains the heat inside the body and does not let it out. The internal heat increases in the digestion making it stronger so it is capable of digesting any food substance irrespective of its heaviness and the quantity ingested. So, it is time to indulge in sweets and being lavish on food.
But, if you do not feed this strong digestion and it does not get the proper fuel, the digestive fire affects the nutritive fluids of the body and consumes the tissues of the body (autolysis), causing Vata Dosha to be aggravated. (Vata is a subtle dosha that goes out of balance easily. Vata people often suffer from depletion of nutrients. Their behavior is creative when balanced, or erratic and dispersed when imbalanced. Vata is the element of ether and air in the body. Ether has a spacey quality, and air has movement.)
The season is ideal for Ayurveda interventions in conditions such as Muscoloskeletal aches and pains, Rheumatoid Arthirists; Ashtma & allied respiratory conditions; Insomnia, anxiety & mental disorders. It is also the best time for restoration of body stability and equilibrium, the lack of which is manifested thru pains and maladies.
At AyurVAID Kalmatia, expert physicians have evolved seasonal treatment modules for different physiological and psychological conditions for the most effective results and outcomes, specific to the season. The season is ideal for Ayurveda interventions in conditions such as Muscoloskeletal aches and pains, Rheumatoid Arthirists; Ashtma & allied respiratory conditions; Insomnia, anxiety & mental disorders. It is also the best time for restoration of body stability and equilibrium, the lack of which is manifested thru pains and maladies.
Sarvangam-Udhvarthanam ( Whole Body Medicated Powder applications) Bashpaswedam (Medicated Steam Therapy), Kayasekam (Whole Body Medicated Oil Therapy)
Indicative package duration – 5 to 7 days
Health Holiday
Sarvangam Shashtika Shali Pinda Swedam (Whole Body Medicated Milk+ Rice – in Bolus/Kizhi – Therapy), Shiro Vasti (Medicated Oil Retention on head) Sarvangam Kashaya Dhara (Whole Body Decoction Therapy)
Indicative package duration – 3 to 5 days
Disease Reversal
Sarvangam Choorna Pinda Swedam (Sudation using medicinal powder thru’ dry Bolus/Kizhi for rheumatic pains), Patrapinda Swedam (Sudation using Bolus/Kizhi of medicated leaves for arthritic pains) Dhanyamlapinda Swedam (Sudation using Bolus/Kizhi of powered pluses and grains for pains of inflammatory origin; Vastis (different types of medicated enemas for improved body balance and blood circulation), Urovasti (Retenion of oil on the chest), Nasyam & Dhoomapanam (Instillation & Inhalation through Nasals).
Indicative package duration – 15 to 21 days
For Customized Packages, email us at: kalmatia@ayurvaid.com
Disclaimer: * Outcomes may vary from person to person