
Acumen Fund is a non-profit venture fund that invests in market-oriented approaches for delivering critical, affordable goods and services to the world’s poor. Acumen Fund’s efforts focus on the convergence of philanthropic capital and business expertise to produce sustainable, scalable enterprises that reach underserved markets and open access to the opportunities of the global economy.
In June 2008, Acumen Fund invested Rs 4.5 Crores in AyurVAID Hospitals and followed it up with an additional round of funding in late 2010.
The CEO of Acumen Fund, Jacqueline Novogratz, envisioned “tremendous potential and saw AyurVAID as a hospital chain that provides critical healthcare services to under-served families and communities across India in a sustainable way. The investment has gone a long way in helping us further develop our low cost healthcare delivery system that focuses on preventive and curative care for chronic diseases.” For more information, visit: www.acumenfund.org
Disclaimer: * Outcomes may vary from person to person